Finally! No More Excuses to Procrastinate...

Easy and Affordable Estate Planning

3 Biggest Questions You may have?


Last Will & Testament

Also called a Will, this document dictates debt arrangements and asset distribution at death. Your Will is also crucial for naming a guardian for minor children and a personal representative (executor) to oversee the settlement of your estate.

Revocable Living Trust

A Revocable Living Trust is a document often paired with your Will to minimize court proceedings and public records. By transferring certain assets and funds to your Trust, your can avoid probate court and maintain privacy.

Financial Power of Attorney

This document names and authorizes those you trust to make financial decisions and transactions for you if you are incapacitated.

Health Care Surrogate Designation

Also known as a Health Care Power of Attorney, is a document that names a person to make healthcare decisions if you are incapacitated.

HIPAA Authorization

This authorization designates a person or party that may receive access to your confidential medical and mental health information.

Living Will Declaration

Also called Advance Directive instructs your physicians and loved ones whether to keep you alive or not if you are permanently unconscious or have a terminal condition.

Book an Appointment Today!

Albert Ramsay: Estate Planning Agent.
Email: | Toll Free: (866) 551-0565

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